Catch the Shark! image 1
Come to play and join the game "Catch the Shark!". From June 11 to 28 there will be 12 sharks hiding in the IKEA store – find all of them, write down the letters held by each shark, get to know what they say and participate in the lottery. On June 30, the winners will be drawn. The main prize is one 200 € IKEA gift card, and 30 other participants will get a soft toy – of course, the friendly BLÅHAJ shark.
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How to participate?
1. Take a participation leaflet from the game stand by the entrance of the store or in other locations throughout the store.
2. Find 12 sharks hiding in the store.
3. Write down the letters held by each shark.
4. Write down your name and phone number.
5. Leave the leaflet in a specially designated box by the exit of the store.
Game period: June 11–28.
Lottery: June 30.

Read contest rules
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Sharks play at IKEA
The friendly BLÅHAJ sharks have taken over the IKEA store and call for all the little store visitors to play. There are 12 sharks hiding in the store. All you have to do is write down the letter held by each of the sharks and become the ruler of the Shark Kingdom. An exciting game with amazing prizes: a lottery for one 200 € IKEA gift card. Moreover, 30 other participants will get a soft toy – the BLÅHAJ shark.
See you in the Shark Kingdom!
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Catch the Shark! image 1
Catch the Shark! image 1
Spēle “Noķer haizivi!” ir noslēgusies – tajā piedalījās vairāki tūkstoši dalībnieku! Šodien IKEA Latvija vadītāja Inga Filipova un viņas vietnieks Pēteris Grīnbergs pēc nejaušības principa izlozēja 30 BLÅHAJ haizivis un galveno balvu – dāvanu karti 200 € vērtībā. Apsveicam laimīgos uzvarētājus un pateicamies visiem kas piedalījās mūsu spēlē! Ar uzvarētājiem drīzumā sazināsimies personiski. Uz tikšanos IKEA!

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