How to start the fun
To make your visit to Småland both enjoyable and safe, read the rules of the playroom. Here are some of the most important ones.
Småland welcomes children aged 3 to 7 years who are at least 90 cm tall.
The child must be able to use the bathroom independently. They can only enter the playroom wearing socks.
Check-in and obtaining a wristband
The person responsible for the child must fill in a registration form.
The person responsible for the child who brings and registers the child and then picks up the child, is given a Småland wristband to put around their arm. The person responsible for the child must make sure that the number of the wristband
matches the number on the child's wristband. It is forbidden to remove the wristband before picking up the child or to pass it on to third parties.
Picking up the child
The child may be picked up only by the person responsible for the child and with the same wristband (wristband number) as the child.
The wristband shall be removed only after picking up the child.
Småland Playroom Internal Rules of Procedure